When partnered with BARBRI Legal Ed, you are able to expand curriculum with the delivery of online J.D. courses.
Online J.D. courses can help you bolster your school’s content offerings, as well as help with enrollment or budget challenges, attract prospective students, or allow students away from campus during the summer to continue their studies.
With more than 30 online J.D. courses available—all taught by well-known, full-time faculty— your law school can deliver subjects that connect with law students right in their scheduling comfort zone—via technology that can be accessed at their convenience anywhere there is an internet connection.
Benefits to Your School
- Expand the curriculum for coverage and to introduce new courses
- Leverage top faculty
- Provide new revenue streams and fills budget gaps
- Zero-risk in logistics of expanding your online curriculum, with no enrollment minimums
- Asynchronous courses are built to achieve specific course learning objectives

Benefits to Your Students
- Students interact with faculty through message boards, chat rooms, online faculty office hours, and email
- Asynchronous courses allow faculty-student interaction, as well as flexible schedules
- Flexible terms (Summer; Intersessions; Academic Year)
- Expanded curriculum
- Assessments that ensure course goals and student learning outcomes are met
- Opportunities for instruction from top experts and great teachers
Faculty-Student Interaction
- Students interact with Faculty through discussion boards, chat rooms, online faculty office hours and email
- Select synchronous components in each course allow faculty-student interaction comparable to a traditional classroom
- Asynchronous content is designed for maximum engagement to allow for faculty-student interaction on flexible schedules

BARBRI Legal Ed works to make every school engagement successful, with minimal work required by partner schools. To do so we have outlined a few key areas that help demonstrate the division of responsibilities. Every engagement is unique, and roles are customized based on a partner's needs.